Birth stat personalized plush toy

More Than Just a Gift

More Than Just a Gift

Are you looking for a precious way to commemorate the birth of a new baby? Look no further. Birth Stat Pets are the perfect gift.  
As a mom and grandma myself, I know how much it means to introduce your new baby to family and friends. A Birth Stat Pet doubles as a unique birth announcement and plush cuddly toy for your new bundle of joy.  
I met a new mom who I had the pleasure of making a Birth Stat Pet for her little peanut Yalayna. This mom struggled for so long to have a baby and I wanted to make the baby’s arrival special. The creativity started flowing and I came up with this adorable duck who is now referred to as Lola the duck.  
 Here’s the story of Yalayna and her mom Alexis… 
“As a 29-year-old woman wanting children of my own, I constantly saw others having announced they were pregnant or having babies. I continued to ask myself, why not me, what am I doing wrong. After every failed pregnancy and 8 miscarriages, I didn’t have anything left in me to keep trying. I wanted to give up. I wanted to have faith and believe that this was all happening for a reason, but I just couldn’t grasp why my body was failing me. My husband and I decided that it was time to stop trying because mentally I was in a bad place from repeat loses. Both my mind, body, and spirit needed to heal. 
Fast forward 3 years later and we decided that we weren’t necessarily going to start trying again but we weren’t going to not try again if that makes sense. In December of 2019, I found out I was pregnant. We were over moon excited, but I couldn’t help but think in the back of my mind, will this pregnancy also end with a loss as all the others. Although my pregnancy was full of the not so typical scary issues, both Yalayna and I pulled through stronger than ever.  
My sweet Yalayna Amilda Archila was born on August 22, 2020, at 4:47p.m. weighing 8lbs 5oz. and was 21 inches long. My little meatball of a daughter is now 8 months old, and she absolutely loves her Birth Stat Pet Lola the duck. Yalayna is truly a blessing and I’m so grateful to be her mom.”. 

You see, Birth Stat Pets not only put a smile on your child’s face, but also melt the hearts of parents, family, and friends. Warrior Pets and More isn’t just about making and selling gifts. We want to make a difference in the lives of others.  

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